Though fire apparatus is meant to save life and assets from fire damage, there are many instances where it can be the main cause of accidents and death. Recently, a firefighter was killed when backing up the fire truck. This is mainly because of the failure to maintain the fire apparatus safety. This incident happened in broad daylight; which brings out the seriousness of the issue.

Some of The Popular Strategies on Maintaining Firefighter Apparatus Safely

Benefits of Using Spotters:
Use of spotter is very important when it comes to backing the firefighter vehicle. In the above incident, it is quite clear that spotters were not used. All the major fire departments have standard operating procedure, which strictly emphasize on the use of the spotter for backing the fire truck. The main use of the spotter is to avoid accidents. To tell in simple words, the spotter provides assistance to the fire truck driver. The rule is that the driver has to stop the vehicle if he does not see the spotter.

Maintenance of Speed:
Fire apparatus are usually bulky and a low speed should be maintained. The speed of the fire truck during the backup is one of the important things to be considered. The fire truck should be always moved in safe speed when backing up. The reason is the truck moving at slower speed could be stopped quickly than the one moving at high speed. Slower speed also helps the other people to get away from the path of the moving truck.

Visual Warnings:
The fire apparatus and truck will have warning alarms and systems. These alarms help the people surrounding the truck to stay safe. However, it is important for the driver to turn on the warning alarm and lights before backing up the truck. Use of the hazard lights should be strictly enforced at all working conditions. Keep in mind that sound alarm cannot be heard by everyone due to the surrounding noise. So, it is always better to use both sound and light alarm. Using visual warnings is also equally important for others to know regarding the emergency.

Rear Cameras:
Most fire trucks are equipped with the rear camera that helps the driver to clearly see what is behind the vehicle. However, one should keep in mind that the rear camera cannot be the ideal replacement for our eyes. There are possibilities for the accidents to happen, despite using the rear camera.

Fighting against the fire is a difficult and life-threatening process. Having firefighting apparatus alone cannot save from the fire damage. Knowing how to use the apparatus safely is also an important thing. Many accidents have occurred due to the improper use of fire truck and apparatus. This is the reason why many companies offer firefighting training to their employees. The training should be conducted in the periodical manner.

Electrical hazards are one of the reasons for increasing fire accidents and this can be rightly witnessed in the recent fire accident as mentioned in Failure to properly install the electrical fixtures and wires could lead to an electrical fire accident. This is the reason why commercial building projects rely on the service of electrical consultants. To protect your building from any electrical hazards and fire due to poor installation it is essential to use the service of a good Electrical Consultants.

Related Article :  Servicing Of A Fire Apparatus

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